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Grotte del Cavallone

Locality: Taranta Peligna
Address: S.P. Lama dei Peligni - Palena Km 27,5, Taranta Peligna
PHONE: 0872/222199
MOBILE: 351/9293832
TAG: Nature

The impressive Grotte del Cavallone, located on the eastern side of the Maiella Park at an altitude of 1,475 metres, are considered the highest tourist grottos in Europe. Their fame dates back to the early 20th century, when painter Francesco Paolo Michetti, fascinated by their charm, got inspired for the stage design of D’Annunzio’s tragedy “La figlia di Iorio". Since then, the grotto has also been known by the name of this famous tragedy and many of its spots were named after the tragedy characters. In the exciting path that leads to the heart of the mountain, slightly longer than 1 km and incredibly varied, you will cross three main halls, narrow tunnels and minor spaces populated by stalactites, stalagmites, crystals and lakes with fairy-tale shapes and names, making the visitors feel like they are having a wonderful journey through fantasy.

Grotte del Cavallone Taranta Peligna Grotte del Cavallone Taranta Peligna Grotte del Cavallone Taranta Peligna Grotte del Cavallone Taranta Peligna Grotte del Cavallone Taranta Peligna Grotte del Cavallone Taranta Peligna

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