Welcome to Torino di Sangro
The town of TorinodiSangro lies on the ridge that runs from East to West between the riverbeds of Osanto river and the torrents Ripari and Frainile. The town was founded in the 12th century as a result of a move of the inhabitants from an area further downstream considered unsafe, called CivitadelSangro. Under the jurisdiction of the Abbey of San Giovanni in Venere first, and then under Stephen's Abbey, in 1420, passed to the dependencies of Lanciano, due to a Turkish invasion which destroyed the Abbey of Santo Stefano. In 1862, from Turin, the country was named TorinodiSangro, to avoid confusion with the more well known city in Piedmont. The seaside towns of the municipality of TorinodiSangro, le Morge and Costa Verde, that stretch for about 6 km offer pebbles and sand with depths ideal for underwater fishing and every year attract many tourists. Of outstanding holiness is the Britannic cemetery dedicated to the British fallen during piercing of the Gustav Line, at the end of 1943. The frame of the slope of a hill a few hundred meters from the sea, hosts more than 2,500 fallen military making the place almost surreal. The town of TorinodiSangro hosts a Regional Natural Reserve, known as the "Lecceta", which covers about 180 hectares and is one of the rare coastal forests, wrecks on the Adriatic coast. The feast for the patron is deeply felt by the people who can assist to concerts, fireworks and an auction where residents offer gifts. Also,TorinodiSangro is an ideal destination for tourists, where is possible to taste the typical seafood gastronomy at dinner on the Trabocco enjoy the enchanting beach of Abruzzo’s coast.